The large cylinder (top right) is used as a low pressure accumulation chamber that the gas flows through. The Drager tube is inserted in the top fitting to the right of the cylinder and the valve is opened. The operator makes ten squeezes of the pump (top left) or has an automated pump on the shelf that pulls 100ml through the tube. The tube is read for PPM H2s and that gives the plant personnel and indication of the corrosiveness inside the pipe.

Detector Tube Sample System
Texas Sampling, Inc. Detector Tube sample system is used to take a relative emission free sample safely. To do this, our system drops the pressure to 5 PSIG or less.
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For price and delivery today
- Compatible with Detector Tubes including Draeger MSA , Sensidyne tubes
- Gas Detection Vials/Tubes for detection of Toxic Gases including: H2S, Ammonia, Benzene, CO, SO2
- Optional Sample Cylinder Collection for transport to laboratory for analysis
- Available with Restek Sulfinert™ Coating
- Available in various materials including Alloys
Safe |
Reduces Exposure |
Easy to Operate |
Representative Sample |
Easy to Maintain |
Field Proven Design |
Safety is our priority. When working with liquids, gases and liquefied gases in the chemical and petrochemical industries. Our sampling systems meet high safety standards and are therefore used and accepted in the chemical and petrochemical industries, worldwide.
Texas Sampling systems provide safety for the operator, the environment and the sample. Sampling directly from the process can not only causes a risk to the operator, but also includes the risk of contamination of the sample and pollution of the environment. Our products solve these potential high-risk problems.
Quality is always at the core of our business. Our customers know and value this. From experience they know that Dopak and Texas Sampling systems meet, and in many cases even exceed, the industry’s demanding quality standards.
- Our sampling systems are subjected to thorough measurements and quality checks throughout the production process.
- Each finished sampler is carefully inspected and tested in a final check.
- Critical components get an identification number, allowing us to trace them throughout their life span.
With our quality checks and programs in place, we can assure a consistent quality. No matter whether you buy a pre-configured sampling system or order an engineered system, you can rely on the quality and safety of each and every sampler unit.